Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I have an interesting story tonight. If I hadn’t been there to see it, I would have never believed it. Not even a little bit. It is wild. If you read the post last night, you know Brutus had surgery yesterday. I kept him in the house because of the heat out. The vet had told me to keep him cool after the anesthesia so he didn’t get sick. I kept him in the bathtub since I knew he couldn’t get out of there. Before I went to bed, I was checking on him. I had been holding him and loving on him most of the night. I went to check on him and he was pacing the tub. He looked uncomfortable. He finally walked over to the tub drain and urinated right over the drain. Guys, I can’t make this stuff up. He seriously did this!!! After that he seemed fine. He rooted on his blanket until it was comfortable and then cuddled up and went to sleep. He didn’t make any noise or anything throughout the night. Now, this morning was a different story. When I got up, he started the oinking. He had not used the bathroom in the tub at all. I went ahead and fed him and he didn’t eat it all. He started pacing again so I thought he needed to go to the bathroom. I picked him up and he started screaming. He screamed all the way from the bathroom to the pig pen. I got him in the pig pen with the other pigs and he definitely needed to go to the bathroom. He was fine after that. I was going to leave him inside one more day, but I left him with his friends. He did fine today even with the heat. He was running around when I got home. He is definitely a smart little thing. I see now why people keep pot bellied pigs in the house and litter box train them. After 1 day he was already there!! Wow, it blows my mind how smart they are. Amazing.

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