Friday, August 30, 2019

Cracker Jack has been so mad at me lately. I’ve been out there in the pen every day and he hasn’t been letting me pet him and if he does it’s just a few minutes and then he takes off because he wants food. I have been bringing apples as treats to help repair this relationship. It hasn’t worked. I am not sure how long he is going to be mad at me and I’m not really sure why he is so mad. Yesterday he finally came to me in the pen and was trying to knock me over which is what he does when he wants attention. So, I’m hoping he is getting over whatever made him so mad. He was braying at me this morning like crazy. I normally don’t give them hay in the morning because they have a pasture to graze, but I did this morning. I think he is over it. Finally. 2 weeks is a long time. He definitely is a stubborn one. The goats still like me and run to me. Romeo about knocked me over jumping on me like a dog would. Those hooves hurt when he does that, too. Romeo for some reason was trying to lick my arm. So weird. And Lucky let me pet him. It was a weird a day but looks like progress is being made again.

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