Monday, August 5, 2019

I’ve been meaning to post this for awhile. It’s been awhile back that this happened and I know I’ve talked about this before. So one night I’m out in the pen. This is when Treat was just coming around to let me love on her. She had already started giving me kisses. She was still a little stand offish with petting. Probably because I always wanted to pick her up and hold her. They do not like that at all. I was standing up and leaned over and petting her and she finally did the belly flop so I could rub her belly. I know she has done this several times since then but at that moment I couldn’t believe it. I know I’ve said it a lot, but that is such a win in my book. This pig and I have really been through it. I feel like we have a bond. She may not, but I sure do. She wasn’t going to make it when I first got her. She was so small and so sick. But, she pulled through!! She has run away multiple times, but she has come home. She doesn’t try to run off anymore and now that I have her trust she is starting to be affectionate. I’ve heard all pigs are, but so far I have her and Gus that are. The rest of them are working on it. I love this pig. I know some say that’s silly, but I do. She is a mess, but she is my mess.

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