Saturday, August 3, 2019

Tonight the saga at Kelley farms continues. Tonight has been craziness. I don’t even know where to start. My hubby and I went on a day trip to see one of the kids. When we got back, I started my normal routine with feeding and watering the animals. I took care of the goats and donkey first. They fought over feed again. Imagine that, so I dealt with that. I went over the the pig pens and it looked like the little ones had been trying to dig out, so that’s something to take care of. Hubby said he would do it in the morning. So I get to the big pig pen and knew something was wrong. Spam wasn’t getting up. She didn’t want to eat either. I’m a panicker and started panicking like I usually do. I immediately knew something was wrong. She was laying under their shed as the other 2 ate. She did get up and had a few bites and went and laid back down. Poor baby, you can see in her eyes she doesn’t feel good. So I go in and get under their shed. She does get up then. She walks over and tries to urinate. She does this about 3 times. Not to give too many details but not much came out. You can tell she is straining. Poor thing. I start googling and asking friends for advice. While all of this is going on, the pump on my pool has been acting up and not working correctly. Hubby was busy fixing that. I tell him what’s going on with Spam and we start making a plan. We went to tractor supply where we get most of our stuff. We bought a broad spectrum antibiotic for her and were planning to give her an injection tonight. Keep in mind, by now it’s pitch black outside. We also went to the store to get cranberry juice and Gatorade to help her. We get home and get lights to help to get her and give her the injection. My hubby and I were both in the pen so she wasn’t about to let me catch her. She ran all over that pen. She did stop to pee and more came out than had been so that’s good. I’m still worried though. I had bought a small bowl for the cranberry juice which they broke in like 2 seconds. I  was able to get the cranberry juice down her but there was a fight with the other 2. They all drank an entire bottle. Treat was trying to drink it out of the bottle!! I wish I had pics but there wasn’t time for all of that. Ronnie thinks she is going into heat and that’s why she is acting like she is. I guess we will see tomorrow. I hope she is better. I did get bit by her in this process but it was just a warning shot so no blood. I know she doesn’t feel good. I’m praying she is better in the morning. I definitely don’t want anything bad happening to her.

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