Sunday, August 4, 2019

Today has been something else. These animals can make me crazy. So my last post was about spam being sick. I go out this morning to check on her still concerned. I didn’t sleep well because I was thinking about her. So, I go out this morning and this girl jumps up and is ready to eat. I just kind of stared at her for a long time like, really?? She did eat. She also was drinking and she was able to urinate. I was really confused. Maybe she was a little dehydrated yesterday or something. I’m not sure. I was out there most of the day today working in the pens so I could keep a good eye on her. She wasn’t lethargic and was up moving around most of the day with the others. I did give them some Gatorade today in case she was dehydrated. Treat has to drink out of the bottle and Spam needed a solo cup. Gus fought his way to get some in the bowl. Goodness they are something. I brought out treats today also and she ate those, too. She was acting like her normal self. She did let me pet her today and then snapped at me, so she is normal. She had me so nervous and upset!!

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