Wednesday, August 14, 2019

So, today’s events include me still being on the sick side. This infected, possible spider bite is not doing me any favors at all. My temp is up and the infection looks like it’s spreading. Looks like I’m going back to the dr tomorrow and I’m not happy about it at all. I slept most of the day so the pigs were upset that their breakfast was so late. They got over it pretty quick when I gave it to them though. I went in and stayed in the rest of the day. At feeding time tonight they were so excited to see me, but yet again, I wasn’t able to spend any time with them. I feel so bad about it, too. Poor little things. I went out to do my last check and they broke my heart. They acted like they had done something wrong and were begging for my attention. Even spam and Brutus which they do not do. I was able to pet them through the fences tonight. I feel so bad. They were pouting when I went back in after that last check. Hopefully I’m better tomorrow after going to dr yet again.

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