Wednesday, August 7, 2019

So a couple of weeks ago, I was in the pen with Spam, Gus, and Treat. I’m always out there with them I think. I love watching them and spending time with them. I had no idea pigs were so much fun. They do the funniest things. One night I’m with them and I’m sitting in the dirt on the ground. Gus does his belly flop and lays down to get belly rubs. This is a normal thing. What I didn’t expect was Treat to do a belly flop right beside him and expect belly rubs also. It was the cutest thing. I did in fact give them both belly rubs as they asked. I don’t know if you have ever been around pigs, but I call it a belly flop because they literally throw themselves on the ground onto their side so you can get to their belly to rub it. I had no idea they did this. It is so cute!! I sure do love having these babies. When I’ve had a really bad day, they make me laugh. When I’ve had a good day they are still there waiting on me to love on them, too. I think they know when I have a had a good day and when I’ve had a bad one. They stick closer to me when they know I’ve had a bad day. It’s like they can sense it. Rescuing those first 2 pigs really was one of the best decisions I could have made. I struggle from time to time with not wanting to do anything. These babies make me do something. They make me get up and get going in the morning which I have struggled with for years. I’m not a morning person, but they are changing that for sure. The days I want to block out the world, I know I can’t do that because I have animals to care for. My dogs are used to me getting up late and they don’t seem to mind but the rest of the animals mind. They scream or baaa or bray until I get up to give them the food they want. It’s really been a good thing for me, and for them.

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