Friday, August 30, 2019

Figured out a thing or two tonight. I went out to the donkey and goat pen and things got weird. Cracker Jack was by himself and I was petting him. The minute Hercules came up, Cracker Jack wanted to get away from me. So I followed him. Same thing happened. I knew Cracker Jack didn’t like Hercules but it looks like it might be getting worse. So I went to get feed for them. I put some in for the goats and then some in Cracker Jack’s bowl. They were fine while separated. But, when the goats started going toward Cracker’s bowl, he literally started crying out. It was really sad. So I went and got a little more for him. That calmed him down. Then I brought out some hay for him also. He has always been very good aggressive and will kick at the goats. When they get too close to his food. I learned tonight that I am not the problem, Hercules is. All of the goats and the donkey are all males and I think Cracker and Hercules fight for the head position in that pen. I feel bad for Cracker now. Hercules doesn’t care. I hope they work it out. I can’t separate them. Cracker tolerates Romeo and him and Lucky are inseparable. 

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