Monday, August 12, 2019

A day in the life of Patsy the pig. She wants to warm up to me so bad I can feel it. She is getting more social around me. She is starting to warm up. She is starting to like to be petted but if I get too close, she backs up. She is biting on my fingers now when I’m in the pen and out of the pen. That’s progress and I will take it. I am getting closer and closer but she still doesn’t trust me fully. I know she wants to. They are all starting to warm up, except Brutus. That little thing is still terrified of me. He is the one I really need to warm up. I think they are realizing that I am the one that feeds them and gives them clean water daily. They are seeing I’m not there to hurt them. And they watch me in the other pen petting on the bigger pigs and I’m not hurting them. This hard work is eventually going to pay off.

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