Monday, August 19, 2019

My sweet Daisy dog has hated the water hose since we got her. She likes to chew them up and she runs if you spray her, or try to. But recently since I have to use a hose every single day, she hasn’t been as scared of it. She actually has started making a game of it. Chasing the water that is coming out of the hose and trying to eat it. She will run around in circles after it. She will bark at it and try to get it. I will spray her with it now and she does not seem to mind it at all. It’s like she has changed so much in the last few months. She is a lab and she does love the water. She has her own pool that she uses daily. Even when it’s cold out. That doesn’t bother her. She is an absolute mess but she is loved so much. She follows me everywhere outside and checks on the animals as much as I do. The water hose game though, it would make me a big winner on that America’s Funniest Home Videos. She is so funny!!!

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