Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Another win today!! I’m really more excited than I should be. I had done the feeding and watering. Went inside for a bit. Then I went back out to do my last check like always. Of course, they were all lined up waiting on that last check. That in itself is a win for me. They know the routine. I petted the big ones and said goodnight. I went over to the little ones and stuck my hand in the fence. Normally only Bacon bit is the only one to pay attention to me. Tonight they all did. They were all trying to suck on my fingers. So weird. Not sure what I had on my hands. Hopefully nothing harmful to them. I didn’t think about it until after it. I went out to check again and make sure they were okay a little later. Paranoid thoughts going through my head. Anyway. I got to pet on all of them tonight!! It really made me happy. Still not sure how I feel about them trying to suck on my fingers but I’m glad they are warming up to me. I sure work hard at it.

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