Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Well, I fixed up some baby food again tonight for the pigs to eat. They are so funny about this. They see a certain bowl and they know. They fight over that stuff. Seriously, it’s a fight. They are so funny. They get that stuff all over them. Brutus has some on his back and Pork chop literally ate it off his back. I go over to the big pig pen and they go nuts, too. I had enough to put some in all of the bowls. They started playing musical bowls without the music. Treat was squealing, the other 2 would not let her eat. Treat couldn’t wait til I put some in her bowl and that’s why they wouldn’t let her eat. She just ate out of the big bowl. I then fed her with the spoon. That never gets old for me. It’s hilarious!!

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