Monday, August 12, 2019

Last night I was chopping up veggies and fruit for the pigs and decided to cut up some apples for the donkey and goats. They haven’t had anything special in awhile. I chopped up stuff for what seemed like forever. I was able to finally get it done. I always worry that what I’m giving them is going to make them sick. I’m not sure why but sometimes I do feed them out of date stuff that I can’t eat. I don’t do this often and the animals seem to like it and they haven’t been sick on it yet. I know I’m irrational sometimes. But, I am trying to care for them in the best way possible. That’s all I want is to care for them in the right way. They deserve that. Anyway. I was able to hand feed the donkey and the goats and they loved it. Lucky even let me hand feed him. That’s a huge thing.

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