Monday, August 12, 2019

The last few days have been super hot. I mean brutally hot. It’s so gross out there. My poor little babies outside are feeling it, too. It’s so sad to me. I am doing the best I can to keep them cool. They all have mud holes, drinking water and water they can get in. The bigger pigs have a pool but the little ones don’t because they can’t get in and out of it. They are still so small. Yesterday I was out with them and Gus was in his pool. Spam got mad because he was taking too long so she moved him over and got in the pool with him. So funny to watch. They fought a little in the pool. I did get some pics because they were so funny. Neither one of them wanted to share. I haven’t seen Treat in there at all. And these guys are so dirty from being in the mud so the water is brown. Could be because they poop in there also. Tonight I waited an hour for them to get out of the pool so I could give them fresh water so they weren’t in gross water. They are so hot in this weather.

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