Sunday, August 11, 2019

In the pen today with Cracker Jack, Hercules, Romeo, and Lucky. I didn’t stay long today. Very short lived visit today. Oh it was something though. As I was out there and loving on them something seemed weird but I didn’t know what it was. I guess it’s mating season or something. Lucky had just peed on his face when I got in the pen. I could tell by his face. As I’m loving on Cracker Jack, I felt something wet on my leg. Romeo has peed on his face and also my shoes and then came up and was rubbing his face on me. As this is going on, Hercules peed on his face, too. For those that don’t know this, and I didn’t when I got goats, they do this to find a girl to mate with. I had no idea. This has happened before but not for awhile. It’s definitely not something I was going to stick around for any longer today. They sure are something.

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