Monday, August 19, 2019

Tomorrow Brutus goes to the vet to be neutered. Thank goodness!! I’m ready. He may not be but I am for sure.  Poor guy is miserable. Watching him be miserable makes me miserable. I was really worried about how I was going to catch him so I could even get him there. He is so fast. I’ve been working on it so much though. Every time the little pigs eat, I’ve been petting them to get used to me. I had my husband stay outside the pen in case I needed help. I put the food out and I was a little nervous. I knew I only had one shot at this. If I missed grabbing him, I wouldn’t get a second chance. These guys are so smart. It’s almost ridiculous how smart they are. So, I put the feed out and started petting each pig. I got to Brutus and grabbed him. I actually did it. I’m telling you, they are fast. I think I may be deaf in my left ear though as much as he screamed from the pen to the house. Pigs hate to be picked up, but I didn’t have another choice. I held him for a long tome, until he calmed down. He is now in a small crate outside grazing on grass and is happy as can be. He is the cutest little thing. Totally rotten but super cute. I did feed him when I got him in the crate. No food or liquid after 10pm tonight. We have an early morning tomorrow. And as you can see, he has a friend to keep him company. Definitely not alone.

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