Saturday, August 31, 2019

The pigs in both pens were out of straw. What happens to the straw?? Where does it go?? There is no straw in those pens. At one point 2 doghouses were full of straw and the lean to for the big pigs was full of straw, too. It’s all gone. Seriously, people, where does it go?!?! Anyway. I will never know what happens to it so I’m not going to get worked up about it. I haven’t really worried about it too much and hadn’t put anymore in the pens since it’s been so hot out. It’s starting to get cooler at night so I decided to put more in the pens. All 3 pens. The donkey and goats just wanted to see what I was doing and then they went on about their eating. The little pigs didn’t pay any attention to me at all but they will love it when they get in those houses. The big pigs acted like it was the best thing ever. They were doing zoomies and running in it and rolling around in it. It was so cute to watch them. They were having the best time. I love to see that. It makes me happy to know they are happy. That’s the only reason I have them, to keep them happy.

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