Tuesday, August 6, 2019

I got in the pen with the donkey and goats tonight also. They were just hungry and didn’t want much attention but I gave it to them anyway. Romeo is such a little cuddle bug. He just wants to be loved on. Cracker Jack fights for my attention. He just comes over and tries to run into me to make me pay attention to him. Hercules is just a mess. He wasn’t to eat my clothes and head butt me for attention. Him and cracker kind of go at it, fighting over attention. That’s hilarious. I have been giving them feed every night and tonight I just gave them hay. They apparently didn’t want hay. They were not impressed with the hay and just stood there and stared at me. They finally ate it but they were not happy. They can be moody little things when they want to be. And when they are moody, they are vocal about it.

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