Friday, August 16, 2019

When I first got my 2 pink pigs, I had no idea what I was doing. I know I have said that countless times before but it’s so true. I joined a bunch of pig sites on social media to help me with learning how to care for these sweet babies. The first post I read on social media on one of those sites was about the pigs blowing their coat. I thought to myself, what in the world are they talking about. I was trying to picture that in my head and of course it was hilarious. What that means is they are shedding. I didn’t know pigs shed like a dog, but apparently they do. The only difference is pigs loose all of their hair. They become totally bald like a hippo. Since it’s so late in the summer I thought maybe mine wouldn’t go through it this year. They do this once a year. I’m noticing that Treat is blowing her coat. I still find that wording so funny. What do you picture when saying those words?? Funny right?!?! I just hope she doesn’t loose it all this late since I’m not sure how fast it grows back.

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