Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Little Brutus went to get fixed today. Poor little guy. I am having to keep him in the house tonight alone so he isn’t so hot after anesthesia. He isn’t feeling the best and I’m sure I’m not helping since I won’t leave him alone. He is just so cute I can’t stand it. He did eat and he is fine in the bathtub. He seems content in there. I have picked him up a time or 2 and he hates that. He does calm down after a bit. I have been able to give him belly rubs for the first time ever. He is still really skittish though. I wrapped him up good and tight in a blanket and held him for awhile. I took some pics and sent to my husband. He said, are you sitting on the bed holding a pig?? Whoops, but yes. Brutus will talk back to me. I will say something and he oinks back. He loves the mirror and will talk to it, too. That is so funny. I did try to take him in the living room wrapped up to watch tv, but he flipped out and wasn’t having it. He calmed right down when I took him back in the quite. He was falling asleep in my arms when I was holding him but I had some things I needed to do. I put him back in the tub and he was rooting on the towel. I gave him some Cheerios for a snack while he was rooting on the towel. I have to decide if he is ready to go back outside tomorrow. Poor little guy. It’s so hot out. I don’t want him getting sick since he had surgery. The vet said it may be a day or two before he is feeling better. But isn’t he the cutest!!! I’m soaking it all in, I know he will never let me love on him again.

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