Monday, August 5, 2019

Well, my little ones have been toots lately. Looks like they have been trying to dig out of the pen. Good grief. I know they have been rooting up everything in that pen but it seriously looks like they are trying to dig out. The dogs seem to be trying to help them. Always something around here. It’s actually kinda funny. They act all innocent but when I’m not looking they are all gathered around the gate. Thankfully I reinforced the area so they can’t get out. I think Daisy was trying to dig her way into the pigs. She wants to play with them so badly. They like her more than they like me. Not sure what that’s all about. Daisy does play with them when they get out of the pen. So far that’s only Gus and Pork Chop that has done that. Hopefully there will not be any more of that. Ronnie did reinforce the pen with more railroad ties so they can’t possibly get out now. Crazy pigs. They just want to run free, but they can’t.

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