Saturday, August 10, 2019

Yesterday I got up crazy early because I had to be at work early. I remind you, I’m not a morning person. I got up and it had been raining which I was not aware of. I also noticed it was still dark outside. Not a good combination for me. I had mixed up some corn for the pigs for this particular morning. So, I fully realized very quickly that I needed several more hands to do what needed to be done. Except that I only have 2 hands. So, not having a whole lot of extra time to get my act together, I grabbed the flashlight to get me down to the back of the property where the pigs are. I also had to grab the 2 bowls of corn which had water in them. I kept thinking to myself, oh this could go bad. But, I didn’t have time to worry about it. I had to get it done. I had people counting on me to be at work on time. Just so you know, I made it 15 minutes early. I’m patting myself on the back right now. Anyway. I’m walking to the pens. No problem there. I get to the pens and of course all of the bowls are filled with water. I stuck my hand in the little pig pen and dumped out the water. I actually startled them, they were still in the houses asleep. I got that done. Now on to the other pen. This is where it gets messy. I remind you, it had rained a lot during the night apparently. The pen is nothing but a mud pit at this point. So I have a flashlight in one hand and I’ve got the bowl under my arm kinda trying to unlock the gate. Well, I get drenched in the water from the bowl. Then I get in the pen and slipped in mud as I’m trying to lock the pen back. Gus is rooting on my leg so I have to pick one foot up so he is getting my boot instead of bruising my leg. So, let’s paint that picture... I have a flashlight in my hand, I’m trying to lock a gate with a bowl of watered corn under my arm with a pig rooting on my shoe and I’m standing on one leg in the mud.  Disaster awaiting for me. It definitely could have been. But, I didn’t fall in the mud and the pigs got their food. But it was still pitch black. It made me realize, I’m not looking forward to the winter months. Hope you guys had a good laugh on this one.

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