Friday, August 16, 2019

My cute but very tiny Brutus is really holding his own. This little guy truly is tiny compared to the rest of the pot belly pigs in that pen. He has to fight his way through to eat. But he is doing it. He is so little. Sometimes I can’t believe how tiny he is. In reality, since he is the runt of that litter, he has probably done this his whole life. He is used to having to fight for food. Brutus can definitely be brutal though. It’s quite funny to watch but at the same time I feel bad for him. He usually goes after the ears. He usually gives up after a minute and goes about his business but he does get to eat. I make sure there is food left where he is sure to get some. He is really the cutest thing. After a big fight though he does pout. He really really is cute when he is pouting. But that makes me sad. He is very entertaining. And I’m so glad he is getting fixed next week!!!

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