Sunday, August 25, 2019

Since my husband and I bought our place with land, my sister was trying to get us to get animals. We had not done the fencing or any of that and I wasn’t sure when we would get around to that particular important detail. Making sure the 22 acres we have was fenced to keep in animals was very important. Can you see me chasing down a cow?? And what would I do to get it back it back in?? Here cow, come here, please. That cracks me up thinking about it. Poor girl, she sent me all these animals looking for homes and I kept having to say no. We just weren’t ready for it. My sister then moved to Canada and what do we do, we get animals!! It’s sad to me that she isn’t around to see all of the craziness all the time since we did get animals. I wish we had gotten them sooner. So, my sister and her family are in from Canada and they finally got to meet the animals!! It was such a fun day!! I loved watching them with all my animals!! Lacey loves Hercules and Gus. Tanner got to feed the baby pigs and Gus. All of the animals minus the baby pigs were all friendly to them which was great. It made my heart happy.

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