Friday, August 2, 2019

Every morning, every evening and every night when I go out to check on the animals, my pigs are all lined up in a row waiting for me. The goats and donkey only are at feeding time. Tonight at feeding time, I got to pet all 7 of my pigs. That’s really a first. Pork chop and Spam are very anti social. They usually want no part in any kind of petting. I stayed out there awhile giving attention like I do everyday. I went in for awhile and back out for my last check. I talked Ronnie into going with me. I wanted him to see them all lined up waiting on me. They did not disappoint. They were all lined up where they usually are so he got to see it. I know it’s silly, but I am still working on my trust with the pigs. The little ones are still not 100 percent there. As I stood out there, I reached my hand in to the big pig pen and petted those 3. I know Bacon bit is the only one that will come to me through the fence. She did but she didn’t stay but a minute. I got up and she turned her back to me. Ronnie then reached his hand in and was able to pet Bacon bit. That was definitely short lived and she ran away from the fence as fast as she could, but he was able to pet her and I didn’t get a picture. I’m sad about that.

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