Tuesday, July 9, 2019

A couple of days ago I was out in the pen with the donkey and the goats. They love to be loved on. I was petting Cracker Jack and the goats were demanding attention. Romeo actually bit my rear end. Really?? Hercules likes to head butt me so I know he is there. Yes, I know he is there. Lucky still won’t have anything to do with me, but after all these months, I think that is just how it’s going to be. Cracker Jack really wanted my attention and didn’t like the fact that I was trying to split all my attention between all of them. Cracker Jack ran them all off so he would get all of the attention. It really is funny to watch him. He really is a spoiled thing. But, why else would I have them if I can’t spoil them. So, as I’m petting him and brushing off the hair he is shedding, he literally falls to the ground and starts rolling, on my feet!!! I was so shocked, just like with Gus, I wasn’t sure what to do. He got right up and wasn’t hurt. Seems he was just scratching his back. Scared me to death. I thought he was hurt. Nope, just being cute.

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