Tuesday, July 16, 2019

On to the big pig pen. Well, I was able to love on Spam and Treat. Gus, however, was very jealous. I gave him belly rubs and he gave me kisses. Then I was paying attention to the other two and Gus decided he wanted the attention, was right in my face trying to give me kisses and then he kind of snapped at me, he didn’t get me, but I think he was letting me know he wanted the attention. I gave him some more belly rubs and he was fine. I then went on to giving them clean water and stuff. Gus went over and sat down and then he stretched out like he was going to sleep and he didn’t want to get up. Even when I called him. What I didn’t realize until I called him enough for him to get up is that Spam is in heat... she was trying to mount him... good grief. No wonder he was acting weird. And the full moon doesn’t help either. Never a dull moment around here!!!

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