Tuesday, July 2, 2019

My cats have been different lately. They haven’t been sitting with me in the evenings like normal. It’s weird. So I went to investigate what it was they were doing. Bubba usually stays right with me, Persia  likes to hide. She has a really good spot though, so good I can’t find her half of the time. So here lately, I have noticed there is a mouse in the house. I know, that’s not good, but we live in the country l, it’s kind of expected. Anyway, I’ve noticed some signs. So I went to check on where my cats were.... they were mouse hunting. Cracks me up. They get themselves into the weirdest spots and the tiniest spots imaginable. I’m sure some of you know how cats are. They are good little hunters, however, as far as I know they have not caught a mouse yet. They sure try really hard though. They do their best with it.

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