Thursday, July 25, 2019

Treat and Spam are unfixed female pot belly pigs. Gus is in the same pen but he is fixed. I am not going to add to the over abundance of pot belly pigs. And honestly, I don’t want to add any more pigs to our farm. I am able to give all of our animals attention they need and deserve right now, but if I keep adding to what we have, I won’t be able to do that. I know I need to get them fixed but neither of them are very social. They are getting better with me but no one else. Not only that, but how am I going to get them to the vet. Yes, I could get a crate to transport them but they are not going to willingly go in the crate. The whole thing is going to stress us all. Anyway. So, Treat went into heat not long ago. She is nothing like Spam when in heat. Spam is super aggressive and want to lunge at you and bite you. She screams for days. Treat does the screaming, too, but’s it’s more of a whinny, high pitched cry. But, she is so destructive. She spread all the straw out from their bedding into the pen. She also tore a hole in the plastic pool in the pen. How crazy is that?? Had to go buy a new pool for them!! That pig is something else!!

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