Wednesday, July 17, 2019

So, funny post coming. The little pigs are still not warming up fast, but I know it will come. I’m not worried about it after this week with Spam and Treat. I’ve had them so much longer and they are just now coming around. I know they will love me back in time. I don’t know how much any of you know about pigs, but one of their defenses is to go to the bathroom when they feel threatened. I didn’t know this until Treat ran off the first time. The only reason I got her back then is because Daisy literally scared the poop out of her. I have been noticing that when I get close to either Brutus or Patsy, they run off to go to the bathroom.  Now, that really shouldn’t be funny but to me it is. I’m literally scaring the poop out of them when I go in the pen. And those two are side by side when they need to go. These pigs are hilarious!!! I did get to touch Bacon bit on the nose tonight and she didn’t squeal in fear. See, it will happen.

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