Friday, July 26, 2019

So my little baby pigs are starting to warm up to me. It’s still a struggle with them but I know with time and patience they will come around. I was actually able to pet or at least almost pet them all tonight. Pork chop, bacon bit, and Brutus still really hate it when I get close, but Patsy will let me pet her, but only when she is eating. So weird. She is starting to come closer when I hold out my hand but that’s it. They are too funny about it. They gather around me as I sit on the ground getting eaten up by mosquitoes but that’s it. Bacon bit wants to bite on my fingers but if I try to pet her head, she goes nuts. They scream like something bad happened to them. I’m not sure what they think I’m going to do to them. By now, they should be trusting me, but we aren’t there yet. It’s better than it was. I’m happy about that. They do watch me with the other pigs and the love they get. They act like they are jealous but they just won’t give in yet.  They just make me laugh. They are still so little but they are so cute. I just love them.

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