Thursday, July 11, 2019

I’m sure most of you reading this know how bad the bugs are here in the summer... they are brutal. They are ruthless. It’s awful. Not just for us humans, but the animals, too. I reached out and asked what people were doing for their pigs to keep away the flies and the mosquitoes. Everyone I asked said Avon skin so soft. I remember when I was a kid, my mom would put that on our dog. So, I got some. Jokes on me... Gus is the only one that stood there and let me put stuff on him. I should have known. I did get it on Spam and Treat also, finally after chasing them down. What I did not expect was Treat loving the skin so soft on Gus. That poor guy being in the pen with the two females... you just never know what is going to happen. If you stand and watch long enough, they are the funniest things. So, this is what happened. I sprayed Gus down and then chased the other two to get some on them. Once that was over, I turned around for a few seconds doing something else and when I turned back around, Treat is laying over on Gus. It was like she was inhaling the scent of it or something. Gus acted like it was no big deal at all and continued to look for food in the bowl even though there wasn’t anything left. Treat stayed on him inhaling the scent for quite a few minutes. It was so funny to watch. Maybe she was making sure she had enough skin so soft on her...


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