Monday, July 22, 2019

Tonight was loads of fun over here. The goats have had a bad case of worms. I gave them some worming pellets 2 different times but it’s not taking care of them. They are very anemic right now because of the worms. My poor babies. I worm them once a month and have not missed a month yet. In fact, wormed them less than a month ago. I stay on top of that. I think I have neglected them with attention and that’s why it has gotten so bad. No more. I am out there every night again. I asked Ronnie to help me drench them with worm meds to get rid of the worms. This I am not able to do by myself. You have to use a specific gun to squirt the stuff in their mouths but they don’t like it so someone has to hold them. Hercules and Romeo neither one had a problem. Lucky on the other hand still has not warmed up to any of us. Cracker Jack and Lucky are inseparable and he is fine with the other goats but that is it. He won’t let you get close to him at all. Not sure what his deal is. So, Ronnie decides he is going to rope him so we can drench him. That goat is too smart for his own good. Him and Cracker Jack literally ran laps around the pen. They weren’t having it. Brought food out and he wouldn’t come over. Put hay out, same thing. Ronnie tried roping him but he continued to run away. He then got in the bushes and stayed there. I crawled in there but I was having flashbacks of the briars from when Treat went in the run. I’m cut up again. Good grief. I leaned branches down for him to eat and he did, but he still got away. So after an hour of chasing him, we gave up. I will continue to give him pellets to get rid of them. Cracker Jack didn’t want to deal with us either, until I brought out food. Always something around here.

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