Saturday, July 13, 2019

I was so proud of Gus today!! Had family over today and they wanted to meet the animals. The goats and the donkey of course ate up the attention. We get to the pigs and you know I only have 1 friendly one. That’s Gus. The pen is really muddy so I said I would get him out with the harness and the leash. Now, he has only had the leash on two times before today. He only actually walked on the leash once and that was with treats coaxing him to actually walk on the leash. I get in the pen and he does so good. He has gained some weight in the last month because I had to let out the harness quite a bit. But, this time he didn’t give me a hard time with putting it on. I got it on and leash attached. He would walk on it, but he wouldn’t get up over the wooden part of the gate. I know he can but he wouldn’t. So, I let everyone know he was about to squeal... I picked him up and boy did he squeal. Once we were out of there, he was so good!! He walked great on the leash. Even when someone else had the leash there were no problems. Well, until I had to get him back in the pen. He did not want to go back in!! That makes me heart happy. Once he was back in the pen, he was just fine. Sweet little Gus. He is so good!!

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