Sunday, July 14, 2019

Well, I think things are going better in the little pig pen. I am telling you, these pigs are so funny!! They all have personalities that are so different. I slept in this morning and they all let me know about it by oinking and squealing. They like routine. So, I fed Spam, Treat, and Gus. I have to stand out there at times because Spam is still trying to not let Treat eat. If I stand there she minds her own food and leaves Treat alone. They don’t mess with Gus. That in itself is funny. I get over to the little pig pen and I’m happy to see that Patsy and Brutus were in a dog house. Looks like Bacon bit and Pork Chop decided they wanted the new house and let the other two have the old one. That’s funny, too. Regardless, I was really glad they were in a house. I bring the food in and separated it in 2 bowl and scattered some on the ground so I know little Brutus will be able to eat. He is so small that I know I have to take extra steps to make sure he gets food. Little toot. Well, the bigger 3 all went to be bowl, Brutus is smart and found the bowl all to himself. So, he did get to eat. Of course, after that bowl was finished, they all went and ran Brutus out of the other bowl. I wish I had a video of that. He is a fighter. He may be small, but he is a fighter for sure. Poor little thing though, after he was fighting and he lost, he was so scared that he was standing there shaking. He got over that quickly though. Patsy is settling in better and seems to be coming out of her depression. So, I would say things are looking up.

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