Saturday, July 13, 2019

Oh Daisy.  She is such a mess. I have felt like a bad dog owner for awhile now. She is such a great dog but she is still a little rowdy at times. She is still a puppy so that’s to be expected. Since she is so rowdy, I have to crate her or my house will be destroyed while I’m at work. She also has to be crated while I’m asleep. See where I’m going with this. She is in the crate more than she is out of it. Poor thing. No wonder she has so much energy. Now she is out all day on the weekends when I’m home and when my hubby is home, she is out the whole time then, too. I would leave her outside all day but she likes to wander too much. So the other night when Ronnie was home we decided to leave her out of the crate while we were asleep. Well about an hour later she starts barking this high pitched bark that will pierce your ears. And that’s how I wake up every morning also. Before I finish this story, you probably need to know my dog, Pepper doesn’t care for Daisy and gives her a hard time. Ok, so Ronnie gets out of bed to see what is going on. Pepper had taken Daisy’s blanket and all of her toys and Daisy wanted them back. So we put her back in the crate. Well a few days ago I decided I would try it again. There were no problems. Now I’m not feeling too bad about it. She is out at night and stays in it during the day. However on a side note, the cats don’t like Daisy either because she is so playful. One night I couldn’t find Persia before letting Daisy in. I looked in her hiding spots in the kitchen and laundry room where she hides and didn’t see her. I let it go and let Daisy in. Well, I still couldn’t find Persia the next morning. Then I let the dogs out and she came flying out of the kitchen. Looks like she has another hiding spot I don’t know about. She was stuck in there all night. Poor baby. I do find it funny though.

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