Sunday, July 21, 2019

I know some people think I’m a little out there with these pigs. I honestly had no idea how much fun they would be. They are also very sensitive animals. They show feelings. They all have personalities that fit them. I really had no idea until I had one, or now seven. I am saying all of that to get to my point... I was out in the big pig pen, that’s the one with Spam, Gus, and Treat. I went out before dark to love on them and tell them goodnight. Yes, I check on every animal before dark. That’s the neuroticism in me about these animals. Anyway. I was petting them and talking to them. I gave belly rubs and kisses. When I got up, I gave Gus one last kiss on the nose and said goodnight. I didn’t realize what would happen next. I stepped out of the pen and locked it. I was telling the small pigs goodnight through the fence since me being in there still stresses them out a bit. I turned to look in the big pig pen and honest to goodness, Gus was pouting. Literally pouting. I called his name and he wagged his tail but refused to look at me. Would not acknowledge me at all. Poor guy. He did not want me to leave. Warms my heat and breaks it at the same time. He definitely loves me. I leaned down and petted Spam and Treat one more time through the fence and he finally got up and came over to get one more scratch on the head. Spoiled, aren’t they?? No one can tell me they don’t feel things even though they are animals. I see that they do on a daily basis.

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