Monday, July 15, 2019

I know this post really only matters to me, but I wanted to share. I know I’ve shared this several times, but for those that haven’t read the entire blog don’t know this.  Back in March I rescued this pig and her sister. Let me tell you, I knew nothing about pigs and had no idea how to care for them. One of them was knocking on death’s doorstep. I had no idea what to do, so I reached out to a couple of friends of mine. They had had pigs and knew way more than I did. They both told me that she needed to go to the vet ASAP, pigs don’t show weakness until it’s really bad. She had pneumonia and a horrible case of sarcoptic mange. Her skin was literally peeling off. It was awful. So, she had to have shots for so many days and sprays for the mange, blah, blah, blah. I am telling you I fought for her to live. So, when she got to feeling better, then she started escaping. Three different times I chased that pig in the woods with the briars, the snakes, and the mosquitoes for days at a time. She always ended up coming back because her sister was still there, so I was able to catch her. Ok, so she didn’t really trust me and it’s taken so long to get her trust. She started letting me pet her awhile back but she was still very stand offish. I get it. She was still scared. Well, we turned a corner today. Here is the result in the pic. She actually did kiss me but I took the photo too soon. I was so happy I wanted to shout for joy!! But didn’t because we might have gone back to square one again. Yes, she has been playing in the mud and is dirty but I sure didn’t care. I’m still working on her sister. Spam isn’t feeling too good today, looks like something got her around the eye and it’s swollen and very red. But, she let me pet her for a long time. That’s a win in my book. Then there is Gus. He is still sweet and still loves me. I’m one happy girl tonight.

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