Sunday, July 7, 2019

So, I had some watermelon rinds and was told to give them to my goats. Hmmm... never heard of such a thing. I did some research and it showed that goats like them and it wouldn’t cause a problem. I through them over the fence. They all ran to them, but Cracker Jack, Romeo, and Lucky didn’t want anything to do with it. Hercules on the other hand, got all over them. He even threw one to Daisy, that in itself is hilarious to me. Hercules chewed and chewed on that ribs. He was almost foaming at the mouth while eating them. It was so funny. On the other hand, Daisy has one, too, and she wasn’t giving it up. She wanted that so bad. Finally got it away from her, but she is a quick one for sure. It was really a funny sight to see. We always have something funny going on here.

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