Saturday, July 27, 2019

This post is really a long shout out to my mom!!! This year has been crazy for my husband and I. Our lives have completely changed. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just different. We got the farm going, we both switched jobs, and I am back in school. Things are definitely stressful at times. My mother drives an hour to come help me on the farm every weekend. We work on the garden and do things around the house that doesn’t get finished during the week because I am so busy and my husband is gone more. I know I tell her thank you, but I don’t think she realizes how much it helps me out. I appreciate her more than she probably knows. She is a very special lady and I’m so glad she can help me. I know she enjoys it. We also swim and have nice long conversations. It’s so nice that we can do this. She will even help me gather grass after the yard has been mowed for the animals. She brings me food for the pigs also. She loves on Cracker Jack and the goats. The only pig that she can pet is Gus. He loves everyone. The others, not so much. It’s a lot of work but we make it fun. I know she will read this, so THANK YOU, MOM!!! I love you more than I can tell you.

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