Monday, July 29, 2019

Ronnie set me up with a new watering system. Instead of me having to carry the buckets of water or putting them on my cart, he got me several water hoses that would reach to the pens. This takes off a couple of hours to my day. Since the pigs poop in the pool daily, I have to clean it out daily. That is so gross but has to be done. But gross. Anyway, the hose got caught on something and now has a hole in it. Ronnie forgot to get me a new one before he left because there are always so many things going on. I put duct tape on it. Well, that didn’t work. Now it just sprays around where the duct tape is. I knew it was a long shot, but I tried. That’s something. As you have seen, I have a lab. Labs love water. That dog is always in the water. So when there is spraying water out of a hose, what does Daisy do? She fights with the spraying water!! It’s so funny to watch her. She actually hates getting sprayed with water but she loves to fight with it. Makes sense right?? Silly dog!!

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