Monday, July 22, 2019

Ok, this is hilarious. I’m out watching the pigs, I’m sure you never would have guessed this, the little ones were running around and playing. They are so adorable when they get along. I like that so much better. They still fight over food and sometimes Brutus still gets tossed in the air by one of the other pigs because he is so small. So they are playing a Bacon bit just rolled over and lays down. I haven’t seen this before. What happens next literally made me laugh out loud. As she is on her side, Brutus starts rubbing her belly!! It was so funny!! The pigs love belly rubs, but none of the little pigs will let me rub their bellies!! But, I guess when there is a will there is a way. If you want a belly rub bad enough, maybe one of your friends will do it for you!! That’s what I call teamwork. And really double cuteness. They love each other after all, just no love for me.... YET. I’m determined!!

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