Sunday, July 7, 2019

I’m out in the pig pen the other day with Gus, Spam and Treat. I was sitting on the ground giving Gus some attention. I would give the other 2 more if they would take it, but they still won’t. Stubborn pigs. Anyway. Gus is getting belly rubs and out of no where, Treat picks up a stick and starts running around the pen with it. It was the cutest thing. Spam tried to take it from her, she’s so rude, but Treat wasn’t having it. They got in a little altercation, but Spam gave up quick. I think she really just lost interest in the stick. If she really wanted it, she would have taken it. Poor Treat, she is smaller than Spam. And we all know sisters fight. I got a video of Treat and all her cuteness. She is hilarious. If you get to know these pigs and their personalities, you would understand. They are all so different, just like dogs. Who knew?? I sure didn’t.

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