Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Came home today and Cracker Jack just started braying at me, like he does everyday. I noticed he and the goats had not eaten any of the hay that was put in their pen. That’s not like them at all. I got in the pen and decided I would just take some of it and put it where I usually feed them. Surely that would work. Ummm... nope. Not having it. And I got bit like 5 times by fire ants in transporting it just across the pen. Well, I put the hay in the eating spot and they all just looked at me. I loved on them and got out of the pen to do the rest of my chores that needed done. Cracker Jack just kept braying at me. I stopped and looked at him after the fifth time of him braying at me, the I’m hungry and want food braying and said, I gave you hay. He stopped braying at me and walked away from the fence and just decided to keep grazing. Can we say spoiled?? He never did eat the hay. Not sure what the deal is. He isn’t having it. He is spoiled and moody. Hopefully he will be over it tomorrow. We shall see.

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