Sunday, July 14, 2019

So, funny story and goes back to things I learn everyday. Gus continues to get in the pool everyday with the heat which I am grateful for. I don’t want him to get too hot. Well, any of them. But Gus is the only one that will get in a pool. But every time he gets in it, he poops in it. I know I have posted about this before. I clean it out everyday for him. I don’t need him getting sick. Anyway. I know he does this, but I didn’t know why he was doing it. The other two don’t do this, they refuse to get in the pool at all. The reason is, when pigs are in the wild, they poop in water to disguise the smell. This helps them hide from predators. I had no idea that was why he doing it. It’s just instinct for him. And let me tell you, it’s not fun to clean it out everyday. It stinks so bad in the water!! I am telling you, I am a wealth of knowledge when it comes to pigs now. Weird how that works.

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