Tuesday, July 2, 2019

One night I was out in the pen with Romeo, Hercules, Lucky, and Cracker Jack. They ran to me and I was petting on them and loving on them like I always do. Romeo and Hercules will fight each other to get to me. Cracker Jack will literally run into me to get my attention. He will almost knock me over every time he does that. It’s funny though. Lucky still doesn’t want anything to do with anyone. He is buddies with Cracker Jack but as far as humans go, no thanks. So, one night I’m out in the pen and I did shut the gate, but I didn’t latch it. You would’ve thought I would have learned by now after Treat running away 3 different times. Good grief. Apparently I’m slow to learn some things. Anyway. I’m out in the pen and Romeo sort of head butted the gate and it opened enough for him to run out. Funny thing was, I saw what was happening and started running to the gate as I see this unfolding before my eyes. Sweet little Romeo saw the gate was opened, but instead of running out like he could have, he looked back st me like what am I supposed to do. It was cute and it saved me training for a marathon to catch him. That’s exhausting just thinking about it. I’m grateful he stayed with me. I may have learned my lesson this time. We shall see if I actually did or not.


  1. Ok My Shanna..this is good!!!..You need to wrot books or short stories..for you are sooooo good with words snd your funny!!.I will read these to mom ..L..Lo e you kiddo!!!..
