Sunday, July 7, 2019

Cracker Jack has been getting all of these cuts lately on his legs. I could not figure out how he was doing it. Everyday there was a new cut and they weren’t little cuts. They were long gashes on all of his legs. They were bad!! I was getting worried. I had no idea what was going on with him. None of the other animals had cuts anywhere. There were some branches in the pen that he could have gotten the cuts n, but all 4 legs?? I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out. Well, I finally figured it out. When it’s really hot out and there isn’t much shade, he crawls in the bushes where there are stumps that are cutting his legs but that’s the only shade for a bit of the day. Even his lean to is in the sun at that time of the day. Poor thing!!! He’s such a good boy. The goats are in the brush trying to stay cool also. It really is quite a sight.

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