Monday, July 29, 2019

When I got my first 2 pigs, I knew nothing about them. Not even what to feed them!! We bought some all stock and someone told us corn. Well, corn makes them fat and all stock may be okay but there is actually pig feed that they need to get the nutrients and stuff they need. I absolutely had no idea. Of course I have known this for awhile and still give corn on occasions for something different. They get bored with the same thing all of the time. I do try to give veggies with their pellets just for nutrients and more for them. They do love it. Well, the other morning I gave them some corn. It had been a few weeks since they had it. Oh my goodness, those little guys went crazy. I couldn’t even get it all in the bowl before they were in it. One of the pigs even had it all over them since she couldn’t wait to get in the bowl. They fought over that stuff. It was really funny. The big pigs were excited also. Treat and Spam didn’t even do the turn about thing they normally do, if you didn’t read the post about that, it’s where they switch places to eat until the food is gone. They didn’t want to miss any of it so they just stayed where they were. I added some coconut oil for their skin. I read it was good for dry skin if they eat it. They have only had it for 2 days and they already look better. These babies deserve so much goodness since they give me so much joy and laughter and I’m just trying to give it to them.

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