Monday, July 1, 2019

If you remember, I was so worried about the 3 bigger pigs: Spam, Treat, and Gus. They didn’t like each other at first but they have made so much progress in such a short amount of time.  Gus is such a sweet boy and the other two are still not friendly with me, but there is progress with that also. I think Gus is helping with this matter a lot. It is amazing the therapy these three give me on a daily basis. I go out to the pen 2-3 times a day during the week and spend hours out there on the weekends with them. My goal is to socialize Treat and Spam. Nd honestly, Gus is such a little lover that I like spending time with him. They make me really happy. And honestly, these three have bonded so much lately. It makes me really happy for them, too. I don’t have to worry about them anymore, except when there is food around.

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