Friday, July 19, 2019

This week has definitely been a change for Spam and Treat. Gus has always been sweet so that’s no big deal. He does get jealous now that the other two like me, but he will be okay. I just wish you could understand how hard I have worked for this. It makes me so happy that all of those hours I have spent working on trust with Spam and Treat have actually made a difference. I know I can’t explain it in words but it’s definitely been a struggle. Now that they like me and trust me, I am able to just go sit and love on all of them in that pen. Well, Spam is still moody and tries to snap at me but it’s so much better than it was. It really is amazing. I never thought this day would come but it has. I am so happy about this. In reality though, it’s like any kind of relationship, human or pet, it takes love and trust to build anything. These babies didn’t have the best start but they are allowing me to turn things around. I know they are just animals, my pets, but they are important to me.  And I have invested time and money into them to give them a better life than they had. Gus came from a good home so I’m excluding him from that statement. In this day and age, we throw things away because it’s too much work, but everything in life takes work, so keep working on whatever it is that makes you happy. Don’t give up, the work pays off in the end.

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